Arbetslös och vad är samhällsnyttan/ Unemployed, collage and gouache on paper, 113 x 106 cm/41.5 x 44.5 inches
Yellow Investigation 01, fabric and watercolor on paper, 113 x 106 cm/41.5 x 44.5 inches
Inget riktigt jobb /Not a real job, collage and gouache on paper, 113 x 106 cm/41.5 x 44.5 inches
“Hello”, watercolor, gouache and fabric on paper, 106 x 113 cm /41,7 x44,5 inch
“Iliaden/Iliad”, plastic and fabric on paper, 52×72 cm/22×30 inch, 2012
“12 Februari, plast och tråd”, plastic and thread on paper, 52×72 cm/22×30 inch, 2012
Jag möter solen när du lämmnar världen, collage on paper, 56 x 76 cm /22 x 30 inches
”Meredith”, collage on paper, 56 x 76 cm /22 x 30 inches
“En rosa förklaring/ Pink explanation”, plastic and watercolor on paper, 52×72 cm/22×30 inch, 2012
Textens relation till texten/The text relationship to the text, collage on paper, 56 x 76 cm /22 x 30 inches
“Två sorters plast/ Two kinds of plastic”, plastic and watercolor on paper, 52×72 cm/22×30 inch, 2012
Vigina Wolf’s blue hat, collage on paper, 56 x 76 cm /22 x 30 inches
Kelly, gouache on paper, 106 x 106 cm/ 41.5 x 41.5 inches
Februari 5 2012, 36×36 inch, handemade staple holes in panel.
Feb.13.21012., oil on panel, 40 x 40 cm, 16 x16 inches
Tempraturen faller, gouache on paper, 106 x 106 cm
”Madame”, charcol and gouache on paper, 106 x 103 cm/41,7 x 46,6 inch, 2012
”Torso, I”, gouache on paper, 2012.
”Swimming”, watercolor on paper, 106 x113 cm /41,7 x44,5 inch
Watercolor, pencil, plastic and fabric on paper, 52×72 cm/22×30 inch, 2012
Collage and watercolor on paper, 52×72 cm/22×30 inch, 2012
Watercolor and pencil on paper, 52×72 cm/22×30 inch, 2012
”Singing”, gouache and fabric on paper, 52×72 cm/22×30 inch, 2012
Pencil and sandpaper on paper, 52×72 cm/22×30 inch, 2012
Tape and watercolor on paper, 52×72 cm/22×30 inch, 2012