The Neverending Book, 2010-2018

The Neverending Book, nr 159.

The ‘Neverending Book’ is an ongoing conceptual project started 2010. The format is a 24 x 24 cm square on a 40, 6 x 30,5 cm/16 x 12 inch watercolor paper. It is used as a way of exploring concepts of painting with water-based media, collage, notes and text. The project shows my process over time, but also functions as a piece, discussing the image’s relationship to text, dimensions, and a narrative within the series.

2018, 155-159

2017, 137-153

2016, page 125-136


2015, page 104-124.


2014, page 74- 103


2013, 50-73


2012, page 29- 49


2011, page 9- 28


2010, page 1-8

Neverending Book was exhibited at Ed Varie, New York, 2014.


Installation view, Neverending Index, Ed.Varie, New York, 2014


Installation view, Neverending Index, Ed.Varie, New York, 2014


Installation view, Neverending Index, Ed.Varie, New York, 2014

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