Vermont Studio Center

I am currently at Vermont Studio Center, a great artist residency in Johnson, Vermont. This place is paced with visual artist and writers, a great community and a very inspiring environment. And let me tell you about the food! Dessert everyday and maple syrup for breakfast. I will, between meals, continue with my projects, some new and some old. So keep checking in!

Other exciting news is that ’The Art Mint’ will launch this Thursday. ’The Art Mint’ is a website where you can purchase one of a kind original works of art, straight out of the studio. I have ten pieces in the site so take a look! Art Mint is carefully curated by the talented curator Kelly Worman, the lady behind Studio Spoken co-founder of Ground Arts Organization.

She says ”All works sold on Art Mint are one of a kind, at an affordable price, from up and coming New York artists.  As with any art collecting, buying from Art Mint will not only improve your space, but can be looked at as an investment with a future return!”

I am looking forward to it!

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