See ’Suitcase Paintings’ in ’Alternative Galleries’ at Galleri Verkligheten!

Galleri Verkligheten is one of the most interesting galleries in Umeå. I am very happy that they have chosen to present my project ’Suitcase Paintings’ as a part of their group show ’Alternative Galleries’ that just opened! If you are in Umeå, please stop by!


Press release:

Exhibition dates: march 1-22 2013. Opening Hours: Tue 16-19 Wed-Sat 12-16

There are other kinds of rooms where to show art than the most expected ones. Some of them has shrinken to become a room within the room or have turned into mobile galleries carried on wheels. Others occupy spaces that originally were used for something else. Some are available wherever you are, as long as there is a computer or phone with connection to the internet. Mutual to all these alternative galleries is a humouristic and often also poetic way of exploring where and how art could be displayed. Since most of these galleries are run by artists this may also become a strategy of survival. If the artworld sometimes seems limited or too conventional, why simply adapt to it, when instead one could create new forums for art and provide experimental spaces? Sometimes these galleries are basically a way of trying to reach out to a new audience when by surprise showing up at unexpected locations.

The exhibition Alternative Galleries are working on many layers at the same time. Each one of the visiting galleries will have activities going on, exhibitions, talks etc during the exhibition period.

The exhibiting galleries:
Galleri 0GMS Kitchen drawer from Sofia, Bulgaria, guest appearance in Verklighetens kitchen. The gallery is run by Ivan Moudov. 0GMS will show the piece “Coordinates” by Maximilian Pramatarov.
Gallery 1:10 Dollhouse from Stockholm, Sweden, appears as original. The gallery is run by Anna Lidberg. Gallery 1:10 hosts a group show ”Ward Robe in Spare Oom” with Johanna Adebäck, Merve Ertufan, Vilda Kvist, Johan Thurfjell och Tina Nykvist.
Galeria Gablotka Cabinet from Gdansk, Polend, guest appearance in the info-cabinet of Verkligheten. The gallery is run by Maciek Salamon and Tomasz Wierzchowski. Galeria Gablotka will show something partly produced in Verkligheten/Umeå, most likely in cooperation with a new local fellow artist.
Konsthall 323 Car from Stockholm, Sweden, guest appearance in a borrowed car. The gallery is run by Frida Krohn och Ylva Trapp. During 1-2 of March visitors are welcome to be driven around in Konsthall 323 c/o Citroën. The gallery offers  fifteen minute conversation about difficulties. The Journeys can be booked at Verkligheten.
Off the Hook Gallery Playhouse from Årjäng, Sweden, appears as a model. The gallery is run by David Nordström. Model made by the artist Linn Henriksson Strååt.
pid web gallery Webbased gallery from Gothenburg, Sweden, Showed on a borrowed computer. The gallery is run by Ulla Mogren. pid will show the work ”Zenons pil” by Tina Nykvist. All the previous exhibitons of the gallery are also available at the site.

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