’Suitcase Paintings’ is going to Japan!


I am proud to announce that the catalog ”Suitcase Paintings” is now available at the Japanese on-line book store Vermikko Books. The catalog was made in Stockholm, in March 2013, together with the talented graphic designer and architect Christian Lindquist. We are thrilled that Vermikko Books likes our work!

If you are in New York during Christmas, drop by Ed Varie on the lower east side and pick up a copy of ”Garden Variety”, a lovely catalog produced for the New York Art Book Fair in September 2013. Ed Varie wanted to commemorate their greenhouse installation of the Plant/Book Store at MoMa PS1, and launched a special Ed. Varie publication of 36 artists work from around the globe. I am very happy to be a part of it!


IMG_7043The artist in ”Garden Variety”




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