New Works by Rydh/Sörenson

Dichroic Ripple, 2015. Installation with fan, flashlights, water filled ovenware and dichroic glass.
Dichroic Ripple, 2015.
Installation with fan, flashlights, water filled ovenware and dichroic glass.

Rydh/Sörenson are pleased to announce some new pieces;  Object of Desire, Transparent Solidarity, Dichroic Ripple and the ongoing project with Environmental Ephemerals. Have a look at our portfolio under the tab Rydh/Sörenson.

We are also happy to announce that we will be artists in residence at Bains Connective in Brussels in November, 2015, and will have an exhibition at  Ten Weyngaert the 27 and 28 of November in Brussels, Belgium.

In spring 2016 we will be artists in residence at Laboratory Spokane in Washington State, USA. We will exhibit there as well, date yet to be announced!

The iridescent pond, 2015. Study for environmental action.
The iridescent pond, 2015. Study for environmental action.


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