Little Lights XL and Landmark Notes

Little Lights XL
Little Lights XL, Collage on paper, 137 x 126 cm

Daniel Rydh and I are happy to present new works in our series ”Little Lights and Landmarks.” We have now created our largest collage, 136 x 127 cm, and we sure hope there will be more in the future. We also have a small scale series ”Landmark Notes,” in the handy A4 format.

Soon it is time for us to go traveling; to New York and Spokane, Washington! First upcoming show will be at Saranac Art Projects, April 1st, Spokane, followed by New York in early May.

Little Lights, no  7, Collage on paper, 70 x 50 cm.
Little Lights, no 7, Collage on paper, 70 x 50 cm.
Little Lights, no 8 , Collage on paper, 70 x 50 cm.
Little Lights, no 8 , Collage on paper, 70 x 50 cm.


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