Happy New Year!

The new year will be exiting, with a couple of exhibitions coming up. My very own thesis show will take place during the spring but first up is ”Postcards from the edge”, a benefit for Visual ADIS at Cheim and Read. The piece is postercard size but I will be among artists like Yoko Ono, Jeff Koons, Marilyn Minter, Ed Ruscha, Adam Fuss, Kiki Smith, Louise Fishman, Ross Bleckner, Barry McGee, Mary Heilmann, Louise Lawler and over 1450 others…!!!

For friends, family and interested in Sweden I will participate in Vårsalongen at Liljevalchs. Go there and take pictures for me! Take a picture with yourself and the painting and I will post them here!

I have made a lot of new work, soon to be posted here, and want to send a special thank to my amazing photographer Fredrik Streiffert who has taken all the great  pictures!

Black White Brown


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