Our own Land Art in Yosemite National Park

Yosemite National Park

After looking at all the amazing Land Art in Utah and Nevada, the inspiration was flowing. In beautiful Yosemite National Park we hiked to Mirror Lake, between eating sandwiches and looking at bears and butterflies we built, as we say in Swedish, ”barkbåtar” and set them to sail.

Sailing on Mirror Lake

Setting sail

Fredrik Streiffert who is an excellent photographer (took all these images), build a small but fierce boat. Perhaps he was too courageous when he added stone cargo on it? When the race started race, my more sturdy floater took the lead…

Boat with cargo

The Survivor

In the end ”The Survivor” stayed up the longest and the small boat flipped over with cargo and everything. ”The Survivor” set sail and was cheered on by bathers and children, until it found a new shore, in a other corner of the lake.

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