Double Negative

The Double Negative

Michael Heizer’s ”Double Negative” located in the Moapa Valley on Mormon Mesa (or Virgin River Mesa) near Overton, Nevada. To get there we drove through the National Park ”Lake Mead”, with beautiful red stone mountains. To drive on the mesa was scary because you are driving on a plateau that you are not sure where it ends; and we where heading right towards the edge of the cliff where the Double Negative is.

We arrived safe, realizing how huge the two negatives are. We climbed down into both of them, which gave me a very strange feeling. The freedom of standing on the plateau was contrasted with the feeling of being buried  alive inside the negative. The complexity of the space was more striking than I expected.

Double Negative was completed in 1969 by Heizer who is still working with land art.  His latest work,”City” in the Nevada dessert, is a piece he has been working with since the ninetieths but it is still not available to the public.

Inside the negative

View from the mesa

Looking down and beyond

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